Nutritient “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates – More then ever, a proper diet is the most important aspect of
Holistic Health coaching is an individualised approach that empowers us to work together to address the underlying cause of your problem and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of health history, genetics, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalised treatment plans that lead to improving your health.
Using modern Life Coaching methods we will break through resistance and limiting beliefs to overcome hesitation and self-sabotage and empower your innate ability for healing. A personalised diet, mindset and exercise plan will be the tools used and shaped according to your uniqueness which will lead you to your desired reality. I’ll include other powerful remedies, if needed, such as Herbal tinctures, teas and powders, Bach flowers, Dr Schullz’s salts… Body detox protocols…
You will cherish the knowledge you gain and how you experience your inner world, reflecting on all that is around you. You will be equipped to move forward, stay in charge of your future and immerse yourself into your life. ‘I’m healthy, pain-free, and energised in my mind, body, and soul!’ is you now. You will acquire all the necessary information, tools and instructions to continue nourishing and developing healthy habits. Through this practice, you will manifest your healthiest and happiest self.
Create a life you genuinely love by working 1:1 with me, get clarity on what you really want, eliminate mental and emotional blockers, build healthy routines and confidence.
Learn how to support your health, create healthy immunity, and increase vitality.
I will be provide you with a personalised body systems cleansing and renewing program, Nutrition and Fitness program, and Mindset Coaching
You will be assessed with Iridology, one of the most popular Naturopathic diagnostic tools, and acquire basic analysis and health advice according to your constitution type.
A 3-Month plan designed for you will rebuild and strengthen your health and well-being. You will be fully supported and guided to adopt positive lifestyle improvements that overcome unwelcome health conditions naturally and holistically. You will be able to replace negative influences in your everyday life and create more fulfilled days with more positive feelings and emotions.
We will work on all areas of well-being to recognise and change all limitations and obstacles that prevent you living the life you want.
Nutritient “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates – More then ever, a proper diet is the most important aspect of
Fitness Movement is a fundamental part of optimal health. A lack of movement leads to poor health and creates a physical environment in where diseases
Mindset Coaching is focused on finding the leading cause of imbalance and supporting all of the self-regulation mechanisms to treat challenges, whether physical or emotional.